Botanical Simple Servlet

A simple servlet that specialized for growing website manually.

It's super duper fast - the developer of BotanSS
It can even run on my crapsberry pi! - Penguin
Actually, it was developed under a crappy hardware, believed to best the crappy website run in a high-end environment. - the creator of BotanSS

Welp, time to stop messing around. The Botanical Simple Servlet ( BotanSS ) is a simple web framework for node.js that I made for needing a codebase that is small enough for human brain to comprehend.

Because most thing I like to build everything from scratch. The framework should be vastly scalable.

Most framework are good. But they are bulky and time consuming before you can fully utilize the potential of it.

The core version has no template engine nor databause abstraction layer. Everything is up to you. BotanSS only gives suggestions of structures. That, you should modify yourself. ( You are creating you own framework! )

If you want to build a sophisticated website, and couldn't bother to make your own framework. You can have these:

  • BotanSS.MVC
    • Provides
      • model.flow.*
      • view.ui.*
    • Dependencies
      • doT
  • BotanSS.Modular
    • Provides
      • Session
    • Dependencies
      • BotanSS.MVC
      • Redis
  • BotanJs
    • Provides
      • Model.BotanJs
    • Dependencies
      • BotanSS.Modular
